Drunk Driving Defense
Arrested for drunk driving in Washtenaw County?
Are you unsure about what to do next?
Are you worried about what life will look like after a drunk driving conviction in Michigan?
If you've been arrested for a DUI, you're going to want to do three things:
- Make a diary of all events that occurred leading up to and including your arrest.
- Have the paperwork the police officer gave you in-hand when you call an attorney. There's important information on that document that you'll need to relay to your attorney.
- Call Dan Geherin immediately after an arrest. Waiting for a court date can result in loss of important evidence and sometimes a warrant for your arrest.
For those facing the consequences of Michigan drunk driving charges, retaining an experienced drunk driving attorney in Ann Arbor is a vital step in protecting your driving record and freedoms.
Daniel T. Geherin has a 25-year track record of success in litigating DUI cases---first as a prosecutor, then as a defense attorney. He's won countless pre-trial motions throughout Washtenaw County on issues ranging from an illegal stop, to illegal arrest, to improper administration of tests, to operation issues, to scientific challenges. He's also won many trials on drunk driving cases, and verifies those results on his website with a case number. You'll also notice a truckload of 5-star reviews from OWI clients who have been the proud benefactor of his litigation skills in the courtroom.
Contact us 24 hours a day for a free, confidential consultation. Our DUI attorneys work in Washtenaw County and throughout Southeast Michigan.
25+ years in practice. 250+ trials conducted. 2500+ clients helped.
Download Dan Geherin's book about Michigan drunk driving here!