Expunging Your Criminal Record in Plymouth
Situated between bustling metropolises of Detroit and Ann Arbor, Plymouth is its own hub of fun and unique events. The city hosts the oldest and largest ice carving event in the nation, The Plymouth Ice Festival. It draws around 500,000 people to the area each winter. In the summer, you can visit the state’s second largest art fair, Plymouth’s Art in the Park drawing hundreds of thousands of people to Plymouth.
If you’re living with a permanent stain on your criminal record, you might find it difficult to appreciate events in your community no matter how popular they are.
Can a Lawyer Help Expunge My Criminal Record?
Having a criminal conviction on your record can make it hard to find a job, keep up with financial burdens, regain custody of children, and more. Expungement is a legal process where you can essentially wipe your slate clean following a conviction. A criminal defense attorney near Plymouth like the attorneys at Geherin Law Group are a huge asset to help you through this process.
Not all convictions can be expunged, but there’s a long list of eligible ones. The simplest way to determine if you’re eligible is to set up a free consultation with our team. We can review your record and relevant personal history and let you know if you’re a candidate.
Here’s the basic process:
· Provide an updated fingerprint sample to Michigan State Police.
· State Police pull your computerized criminal record and send it to the Attorney General.
· The Attorney General makes their case in writing regarding your eligibility.
· If you’re eligible, file a for a hearing at the court where you were convicted.
· Appear in court, possibly making a statement or answering questions under oath.
The best outcome in an expungement case is that your conviction is wiped from public record and allows you to legally say you were never convicted of that crime. Just two to three weeks after your court appearance, doors can start opening for you again!
Give us a call and start working towards expungement today. Call us today at (734) 263-2780 or contact us at info@glgmichigan.com to setup your free consultation.