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Criminal Defense in Ann Arbor from "A to Z"

By Daniel T. Geherin

Almost every day, potential clients call to ask if we handle the type of case they’re facing: “Do you handle felony cases?”  “Are you experienced in domestic violence allegations?”  “What’s your success in DUI defense?”  And for the Geherin Law Group (GLGMichigan), we answer with a resounding and enthusiastic “Yes, we handle ALL criminal cases!”

Some Ann Arbor Attorneys “dabble” in criminal defense, taking a criminal case once in a blue moon.  Some only handle DUI or traffic cases.  And still others are not comfortable taking on “specialized” criminal cases, such as juvenile delinquency, sex crime allegations or driver’s license appeals.  Daniel T. Geherin, founder and principal of the firm, is a board-certified criminal trial and former prosecutor.  Only 5% of attorneys nationwide receive board-certification from NBTA, and as of 2019, Dan is one of only 3 attorneys in the State of Michigan to be board-certified in criminal law and the only certified criminal attorney in Washtenaw County.  As such, it’s clear that his experience in defending all criminal cases is unquestioned.

Below is an A-Z listing of every criminal case Dan and his firm has handled:




*Automobile Offenses

*Animal Abuse/Cruelty Allegations



*CCW (Carrying Concealed Weapon)

*Criminal Sexual Conduct

*College Crimes

*Computer Crimes


*Domestic Violence

*Driving Offenses

*Driver’s License Restoration

*Drug Offenses

*Drunk Driving Misdemeanors/Felonies

*Elder Abuse/Neglect Allegations





*Felonious Assault

*Financial Transaction Device (FTD)

*Firearm Offenses


*Home Invasion


*Identity/Fake ID

*Illegal Entry

*Implied Consent/Refusal Allegations

*Internet Crimes


*Juvenile Crimes


*Leaving Scene of Accident

*Malicious Destruction of Property (MDOP)



*Narcotics Offenses

*Negligent Homicide

*Police Offenses

*Prescription Drug Violations


*Reckless Driving

*Resist/Obstruct Police

*Retail Fraud

*Self-Defense Claims


*Statutory Rape

*SuperDrunk OWI


*Traffic Offenses

*Uttering and Publishing

*Violations of Probation

*Weapons Offenses

*White Collar Offenses

In short, at GLG Michigan, we don’t “dabble” in criminal defense in Ann Arbor; we handle all criminal cases in Washtenaw County and throughout Southeastern Michigan.  If you are looking for an experienced, aggressive, board-certified criminal trial attorney for any felony, misdemeanor, drunk driving or juvenile case throughout Southeastern Michigan, your choice is clear:  Former Prosecutor/Board-Certified Criminal Attorney Dan Geherin and GLGMichigan.  He offers free, no-obligation consultations on criminal cases, is available 24/7, and will fight zealously to restore his clients’ reputation and freedom.