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Drunk driving charge turns into more for Michigan man

By Daniel T. Geherin

On behalf of Simon & Geherin, PLLC posted in Drunk Driving on Wednesday, October 24, 2012.

Any Ann Arbor resident who is charged with OWI is likely to see both immediate and long-term consequences. In the immediate aftermath, the accused may have their driver's license suspended. In the long-term, a conviction can result in incarceration and fines. The penalties for a simple drunk driving charge can be harsh. However, the penalties can be even more severe if the charge is compounded by the events surrounding the incident, as one Michigan man recently discovered.According to reports, a 47-year-old man was arrested earlier this month, and his blood alcohol content level apparently necessitated transporting him to the hospital for medical care. This man is alleged to have assaulted police officers who were summoned to the hospital after he apparently became physically abusive. He was subsequently restrained so that he could receive appropriate medical care.When a drunk driving charge is compounded in some way, such as by multiple offenses or subsequent charges resulting from a confrontation during a traffic stop, the criminal defense strategies can become much more limited. Often, the most appropriate way to deal with a drunk driving stop is to cooperate to the extent that is reasonable while attempting to get legal counsel present as soon as possible.Anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation should know that it is better not to compound the criminal charges. Misdemeanor charges tend to be easier to deal with than felony charges. No matter what charges an individual faces, however, it is usually wise to rely on the expertise of the best DUI  attorney in Ann Arbor.

Source:, "Police: Man arrested for drunken driving assaulted police officer at hospital," Kyle Feldscher, Oct. 8, 2012