More criminal sexual conduct charges for Michigan man
By Daniel T. Geherin
On behalf of Simon & Geherin, PLLC posted in Sexual Assault on Wednesday, December 19, 2012.
More allegations of sexual assault have been made against a former community event organizer in Washtenaw County. This ongoing sexual assault case has come up in a previous post, and now it appears that matters are going to get much worse for the suspect before they have a chance to get better.According to the reports, a fourth teenage boy has alleged that this man, who is HIV positive, assaulted him during the summer of this year. The suspect is already facing several sexual assault charges from incidents alleged to have taken place with three other teenage boys. The charges in the most recent case include criminal sexual conduct, as well as sexual penetration by a person with AIDS/HIV on an uninformed partner.Sex crimes in Michigan are thoroughly prosecuted, even if the defendant is an alleged first-time offender. The penalties for those who end up being convicted can include a lengthy prison sentence, as well as years of probation supervision and being listed on the sex offender registry. Besides the criminal penalties, the long-term consequences for a person's reputation can be devastating, even if a not guilty verdict is the ultimate resolution of the case.Planning a criminal defense for a sex crimes case can be particularly challenging. The prosecution will often have already completed a lengthy investigation of the defendant prior to any charges being brought, which would likely include a review of the defendant's prior criminal history. However, there are certain aspects of a person's life which cannot be used against them in the court of law. To determine which pieces of evidence to challenge, a defendant would be wise to consider all possible criminal defense strategies, which may include a fight to suppress evidence which cannot be used.
If you or a loved one has been charged with sexual assault, and want the help of local, experienced and dedicated attorney who specializes in criminal defense in Ann Arbor, please call Dan and his team at GLG Michigan.
Source: Ann, "Man charged with sexually assaulting 4th teen; lawyer says he's 'target of accusations'," Kyle Feldscher, Dec. 7, 2012